Sunday, July 10, 2011

My life in hindsight

I was trying to see life poetically, rather than theatrically.

Lately, I came to realize that my not so pleasant side turning into meaningful existence. I supposed it has something to do with my emotional maturity. Things that are used to please me got boring, and my outlook becoming broader and logical.

My worries that used to get into my nerve are now mere passing delight on a given day. What we can get anyway from worrying?  It negates the spontaneity of thoughts. It fuels pain, adds boredom, and kills sound judgment.

I cried at times not because of bitterness, but for being blessed of sound mind to think soundly amidst trials…my tears purge any obscurities, or doubts to live a fuller life even in misery. My existence is more than enough to thank for…my wife, my son, my job.

The gifts of unwavering FAITH make me fairly understand not to question whatever tribulations that come my way, it’s just a matter of having a mindset that things happened for a reason, and to become stronger whenever a problem strikes. It’s not easy at times but quitters never win.

Someday this life will be taken away, we will be judged not because we accomplished much or little—but through our deeds.

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